AI Tasks

AI Methods

Knowledge Representation

Representing the key concepts and relations between the decision variables in some formal manner, typically within a framework suggested by an expert systems shell, i.e. encoding of knowledge in a form that can be used…

Constraint Satisfaction

Constraint satisfaction problems are closely related to optimization problems. The space of possible solutions to a constraint satisfaction problem is typically defined by a set of decision variables (e.g. the squares to be filled in…


Optimization is one of the key topics in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Especially in the sense that the entire field of machine learning is based on optimization, but also in the…

Planning Problems

Planning can be defined as “the reasoning side of acting” [auto_planning]. Solving a planning problem involves thinking about the available actions, considering their expected effects and identifying a sequence of them that will achieve the…

Cluster Analysis

The task of cluster analysis involves identifying clusters (groups) of points in a dataset. The principal characteristic of a cluster is that its points are much closer to each other (in some sense: usually based…

Time Series Analysis

A specific class of problems within the domain of data analysis and often associated with supervised supervised learning tasks such as classification and regression is collectively known as time series analysis and its distinguishing feature…


Classification is a task of supervised learning: a classifier is fitted to map its inputs (which can be discrete or continuous) to classes. The classifier observes an instance and decides into which of a predefined…


Regression is a task of supervised learning: a regression model is fitted to map its inputs (which can be discrete or continuous) to some previously known outputs. The outputs of a regression model are continuous.…

Visual Semantic Segmentation

Visual semantic segmentation is a task related to, but distinct from image recognition and visual object detection. Like visual object detection and unlike image recognition, a segmentation method provides information about where an object occurs…


Identification – especially when based on unstructured data such as audio or vision – is a problem that often requires sophisticated machine learning methods. The problem of identification is distinct from both image recognition and…

Visual Object Detection

The problem of visual object detection, as generally understood, is distinct from image recognition. In image recognition, an image as a whole is classified into one (or several) of a number of classes. In visual…


Modeling is a core topic across many disciplines. Generally speaking, a model is a simplified representation of some system, which only captures the aspects and characteristics of the original system that are important for a…

Decision Making

The area of decision making and control involves selecting among several different courses of action. The available actions can be: Discrete: finite number; infinite number; Continuous: infinite number. The decisions themselves can be: One-time: a…

Knowledge Representation Methods

The main knowledge representation methods include: logical representation;semantic networks;frames representation;production rules;fuzzy logic.  Each of these branches is described in more detail in its separate entry

Probabilistic Modelling

Probability and statistics are the fundamental mathematical tools that allow us to model, reason and proceed with inference in uncertain environments. Each probabilistic situation that we wish to analyse can be viewed in the context…

Machine Learning

Machine learning represents one of the dominant areas of artificial intelligence. This is why the term is sometimes mistakenly taken to be a synonym for artificial intelligence. However, artificial intelligence is a broader term: it…

Search Methods

A class of methods often used to approach planning problems, constraint satisfaction problems, etc. by representing them as the problem of searching in some problem-specific space, where various alternatives can be tried until a solution…

Optimization Methods

Optimization is the process of finding parameters that minimize or maximize a certain criterion; the convention in optimization literature is to treat all problems as minimization problems (a maximization problem can easily be turned into…

Planning Methods

Planning is one of the early application domains of artificial intelligence. Firstly, there has been a lot of work on how to represent planning problems in a standard form so that the same representation of…